Link Search Menu Expand Document

Application overview

LibreWorkingTimes is a progressive web app this means it can be used in the web browser on a computer, a smartphone or an tablet.

Table of contents

  1. The menu

LibreWorkingTimes looks different based on how big your screen resolution is, what language you have set for your web browser and if your device preference is set to light- or darkmode.

Screenshot of a desktop device with light mode Screenshot of a desktop device with dark mode Screenshot of a mobile device with light mode Screenshot of a mobile device with dark mode

The menu

On big screens the menu is shown on the left. On smaller screens the menu is hidden and can be shown with the burger icon (red circled in the screenshot).

The burger menu button red circled The menu

The menu itself has two areas:

  1. The title area withe application title on top and the designation, which can be configured in the settings, below.
  2. The link area. Here are the links to the application views.

The following views are available:

  • Times The entries overview. This is the main view, the view which is displayed on start.
  • Evaluation Evaluations about the entries. Work times summarys, Overtime summarys and a few more.
  • Settings The application settings where things like the daily work time or the typical break duration can be set.