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The settings view of LibreWorkingTimes is the place to set the personal application settings.

The settings view enables to set the personal application settings for the own needs.
It consists mostly of a list of fileds. All settings are saved directly after editing them.

Screenshot of the application settings

The following settings are available:

  1. Designation is shown as subtitle in the menu and should help the user to identify what time he is tracking in the application.
    • Default Value: John Doe @ Example Corp
  2. Daily working time sets the amount of work time per day is needed. Its the calculation base for overtime and will be used when full day is activated for overtime entries.
    • Default Value: 08:00 (hh:mm)
  3. Typical break duration sets the amount of break time per day. Its used to calculate the work time and overtime for a day.
    • Default Value: 00:30 (hh:mm)
  4. Working days are the days a week on which the user works reguarrly. Its used when illness or vacation entries for multiple days are generated. Non working days are ignored for these generation.
    • Default Value: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday